Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Aquarium photos

Noah and the crocs

Brothers in the rain forest

Playground Jack

Jack and his new bronze friend

No matter how hard he tried, he could not get the ball away from that kid.

And Down the stretch they come.......

The Dryer

I know you should never let your kids play in the dryer, but if they climb in, grab the camera!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I Hate Play-Dough

Here is why!
Yes, That is Jack's hair.

Neighborhood Fair

We had the neighborhood fair this Saturday. The boys had a blast, and we did too. Noah had his face painted like a tiger, and Jack like a kitty. Enjoy the photos!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Vaction Post 3

More beach photos.

Jack enjoying the kite flyingKatie - Get a shot gun Uncle Alan!

Great photo by Uncle Alan of Matt flying his kite

Grandpa, Matt, and some sea gulls

The peanut gallery watching the kites

Vaction Post 2

Here are a bunch of photos from the beach. After review, I have 570 pictures from the last 8 days.

Alan and Matt

Kate and Matt

Matt helping Jack over the waves

Say hello to my little friend.....(sand crab)

I've had it up to here with this sand

Sad, but this is the best family photo of the week.

Noah flying his kite at sunset

Matt doing the kite thing (really well)

First Vaction Post

We had such a great time in Ocean City over the last week. Here are the first few pictures. These are photos from the boardwalk. Lots of rides, excitement and fun!

The Biker Boys

Jacks first experience with beer goggles
Future Frat Guy!

Has anyone seen my lucky charms?

Matt and Jack

Noah and Uncle Alan on a roller coaster