Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jack - Photos

Computer Jack

Showing off his shin guards

Noah - Soccer

Here is some video of Noah's first soccer game of the year. Not a great video. Noah is number 11.

The Places I Pee - Jack

This is the second photo in the series, "The Places I Pee" by Jack

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Iron BIrds Game

Noah, Jack , and Alina with Ferrous

Iron Birds Video Board

Can't see from the photo, But Noah, Jack, and Alina are on the board
You can kinda see them in this zoom
Here is the close up.

Sleepy Jack

On our way to the ironbirds game Jack fell asleep. He was all reay for the game with his hat and glove on.